Title: Life Code: The New Rules For Living in the Real World
Author: Dr. Phil McGraw
Genre: Advice
Published: 2013
Number of Pages: 244
Recommended for: Teenagers and adults
Summary: (official) In Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World, six-time New York Times #1 best-selling author Dr. Phil McGraw abandons traditional thinking and tells you the ugly truth about the users, abusers, and overall “bad guys” we all have in our lives. He also reveals the secrets of how they think and how they get to and exploit you and those you love. Dr. Phil abandons convention to prepare you to claim what you deserve and claim it now.
Content Review
Sexual content: Some minor stuff.
Profanity: Some bleeped out quotes.
Violence: None.
Drug content: None.
My opinion: I love watching Dr. Phil and lately, all he has been talking about is Life Code "that my son published!" I liked some of the excerpts he used in the show, and I don't know anyone who doesn't have a BAITER (backstabbers, abusers, imposters, takers, exploiters, reckless) in their life.
The first part talks about BAITERs, and how to identify them. The second part is the new "playbook" and strengthening YOURSELF. The final chapter talks about protecting/raising your children in this world.
This is the first self-help book I've ever read. The first chapter is pretty boring, as he mostly rambles about why he wrote the book. If you get bored, don't give the book up - because it gets much better. I really enjoyed the first parts, which were about BAITERs and I loved the final chapter. The middle got a little boring, but I think that was because a lot of it didn't apply to me. My child isn't getting bullied (I don't have kids), nobody in my family is a drug addict, and I am not in a abusive relationship (I'm single). Nevertheless, it would still be useful to people in those situations. This book is packed with very useful information and advice.
I would very highly recommend this book.
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